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【第280期】# 区块链应用选举# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

2020-07-14 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络


场景: 小A是大学老师,7月的毕业季已经开启,大学学院里又到了换届选举学生会主席时候,小A向我吐槽,他感觉选举学生会主席公开、公正性很差,几乎是院长内定,小A提议的几个名额也没有参加选举,就连选举的时候,也就对着一个学生,YES 或者NO,要知道学生会主席对于开展学生活动起到至关重要的作用,可以有效带领学生社区参与到各项文化建设中去。如何能使得选举过程中透明、公开、公正呢? 小A提议由我想想办法,我告诉小A你需要有前提条件,就是提名的学生要多,这样暗黑操作就会小。


SCENE: Xiao a is a college teacher. The July graduation season has started. When it is time to elect a new president of the Student Union in the college, Xiao a complains to me. He feels that the election of the president of the student union is very open and fair. It is almost decided by the dean, the number of places proposed by little a did not stand for election, even at the time of the election, to a student, YES or NO, knowing that the president of the student union plays a crucial role in carrying out student activities, can effectively lead the student community to participate in the cultural construction. How can the electoral process be made transparent, open and fair? Little a suggested that I think of a way, I told little a you need to have a prerequisite, is the nomination of more students, so that the dark operation will be small. The personnel list has been confirmed, the key is the process issue, yes, the bottom technology of the blockchain is to solve the credit issue, we need to pay attention to two points in the election process, to protect the privacy of voters and the results of the vote can not be edited. For example, five years later, a voting Dapp based on Eos has been launched, block-chain encryption algorithms protect voter information, and the block-chain network can be timestamped to record and broadcast the entire network as voters initiate a click-to-vote process, voters easily cast their ballots on the blockchain network, and every vote is traceable. Traditional paper ballots and tally sheets have too many loopholes for the tellers and black boxes, so there are question marks over the election results, that's why the Donald Trump and Hillary polls are so popular.





近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了 VOICE,可惜没有大中华区的事情,感觉以后会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。另GOC正在重新登录治理舞台,PI也可以关注一下,对于用户来说或许是一种机会,加微信进入木星群。




