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1. 链上数据看空,但虚拟峰会有望带来美好的事物

...送了12,500笔交易,但昨天的数字是7,960笔。资料来源:https://app.intotheblock.com/coin/ADA/deep-dive?group=all&chart=all金额超过100,000美元的大型交易数量也有所减少。 虽然5月31日转移了1000多次“大”交易,6月22日转移了520笔,但最近几天交易量持续下降,昨天下降到235笔。但是,“有效地址比率”,即已转移...


2. SWFTBlockchain上线Libra红包和支付功能

...支持发Libra红包、用Libra支付,未来将支持更多Libra功能!欢迎体验:swap.swftcoin.comSWFT Blockchain 全球最大闪兑平台之一,无需注册进行去中心化闪兑!SWFT聚合交易汇聚币安、火币、OKEX等全网主流交易所,用户以全网最优价成交。SWFTC速币是SWFT平台币,已上线火币、OKEx等,官网:swft.pro官方微信:swftcoin2Li...


3. SWFT Blockchain 上线Libra红包和支付功能

...支持发Libra红包、用Libra支付,未来将支持更多Libra功能!欢迎体验:swap.swftcoin.comSWFT Blockchain 全球最大闪兑平台之一,无需注册进行去中心化闪兑!SWFT聚合交易汇聚币安、火币、OKEX等全网主流交易所,用户以全网最优价成交。SWFTC速币是SWFT平台币,已上线火币、OKEx等,官网:swft.pro官方微信:swftcoin2Li...


4. AhugeactionofCACin2021

...ket value. CAC burns 50% POD, and the other 50% enters the exchange mining pool.3.Nowdays, too many coins require professional speculation knowledge and the ability to control the rise and fall. But CAC just step in now, you can earn with no cost. In 2020, the number of CAC holding addresses reached?120,000, there were?25 community studios across the country, and a total of 18 CAC members bought?c...


5. 教你用麦子钱包领取币安智能链的DEGO,SpaceSwap直播分享实录

...latform.First of all, its team of developers improved the tokenomics model by introducing the MILK2 coin with a different issuing mechanism.While the first 10,000 blocks are being generated, 40 MILK2 coins will be minted per block.For the next 30,000 blocks, 20 MILK2 coins will be minted.And the next 60,000 blocks, users will share 10 MILK2 coins per block.After that, 2 MILK2 coins will be minted ...


6. 根据链上数据,ADA价格在反弹的初期

...阻力很小,可以阻止该区域的上涨趋势。资料来源:https://app.intotheblock.com/coin/ADA/deep-dive?group=all&chart=all昨天股价的上涨伴随着交易量的增加,尤其是ADA鲸鱼的交易量的增加。 IntoTheBlock的数据显示,金额超过100,000美元的大型交易已显着增加。 尽管如此,与5月31日(ADA进入0.08美元区域)相比,这一...


7. FTX创始人兼Serum顾问SBF谈流动性挖矿项目的可持续性及其对市场的长期影响

...ch as the rest of DeFi -- so maybe like $6b or so.That means that giving away all the yield farming coins can generate at most that amount of valuation, and that amount of transaction costs.So how much is it in fact generating? So put it all together and you get......well, you know, $6b or so. I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting that, at all.Now I ignored some coins from the calculation, inten...


8. FTX创始人,Serum顾问SBF谈流动性挖矿项目的可持续性及其对市场的长期影响

...ch as the rest of DeFi -- so maybe like $6b or so.That means that giving away all the yield farming coins can generate at most that amount of valuation, and that amount of transaction costs.So how much is it in fact generating? So put it all together and you get......well, you know, $6b or so. I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting that, at all.Now I ignored some coins from the calculation, inten...


9. 如何挑选数字货币钱包?

...钱包根据前面介绍的钱包方向,接下来我会介绍每个方向的头部钱包。(1)Coinbase:最好的在线钱包CoinbaseCoinbase是货币交易所,所以他们提供钱包服务也是顺理成章的。FDIC*** 为Coinbase的每个账户投保了25万美金的保额。我们可以通过浏览器、IOS、安卓使用他的钱包服务。(2)BlockChain:最好的在线钱包B...


10. Bittrex Global上线TNC Coin (TNC)通证

Bittrex Global已上线TNC Coin (TNC)通证,并开放TNC/BTC 交易对。免责声明:以下信息是由通证团队直接提供。根据我们的服务条款,Bittrex Global不控制、认可或采用以下任何信息,且不对此类第三方内容承担负责,包括但不限于可能具有误导性、不完整、错误、冒犯性、不适当的或其他令人反感的材料。通过访...


11. (Bituan)币团交易所运营周报 (10月21日—10月25日)

...t 15:00 on October 28th. Prepare and carry out large-scale activities of WB, MIP and LEC to release coins and board the Golden Finance Homepage for rolling display. Weibo added 35,000 fans. In terms of technology research and development, both the PC and the APP have undergone new development and upgrades, and at the same time, some problems encountered by the APP have been fixed. Currently, the A...


12. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第70期

...维基链抵押借贷平台,维基链DeFi机制及生态规划。6月3日,知名区块链媒体CoinSpeaker公告:“WaykiChain (WGRT) IEO Successfully Launched on OKEx”,等内容谷歌首页露出。6月7日,两位全球热门区块链大V在Medium上发文祝贺:“WaykiChain WGRT IEO Launched on OKEx Jumpstart”以第三方角度详细分析维基链312的优良表现,WGRT增值...


13. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第70期(6.01~6.07)

...维基链抵押借贷平台,维基链DeFi机制及生态规划。6月3日,知名区块链媒体CoinSpeaker公告:“WaykiChain (WGRT) IEO Successfully Launched on OKEx”,等内容谷歌首页露出。6月7日,两位全球热门区块链大V在Medium上发文祝贺:“WaykiChain WGRT IEO Launched on OKEx Jumpstart”以第三方角度详细分析维基链312的优良表现,WGRT增值...


14. PixxCoin | PoS | Wallet with built in Exchange 32 Hour Left

...=0AquPPHxJpIIXdGJKVUt4TzlzS1lteHNSNnNGTlJ2SlE&usp=sharing&richtext=true#gid=0   Pixxcoin   Launch Date:http://www.onlinecountdowns.com/countdown-clock/show/Launch%20of%20PixxCoin%7C53823db0%7C1   Official Website   In Development Phase   PixxCoin is a pure POS coin. it focuses on saving energy in our cryptocurrency transactions.We are work...


15. BittrexGlobal上线StudentCoin(STCCOIN)通证

Bittrex Global已上线Student Coin (STCCOIN)通证,并开放STCCOIN/USDT, STCCOIN/BTC交易对。免责声明:以下信息是由通证团队直接提供。根据我们的服务条款,Bittrex Global不控制、认可或采用以下任何信息,且不对此类第三方内容承担负责,包括但不限于可能具有误导性、不完整、错误、冒犯性、不适当的或其他令人反...
