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expanse coin

1. Coin98 为 Vital Financing Expansive 筹集了 1125 万美元

强大的东南亚加密钱包 Coin98 为增强其去中心化金融 (DeFi) 产品而接受了价值 1125 万美元的融资赠款。 该融资收入于 2021 年 5 月获得,从而实现了 Coin98 紧迫的业务融资目标的扩展。DeFi 企业通过 Spartan 公司和 Hashed 公司等强大的捐助者获得了赠款和帮助以扩大规模。 这种财政援助促成了 Coin98 重要扩张...


2. 鹰眼基金携手凯雷基金共投入3000万美金支持Value Expansive实验室

鹰眼基金携手凯雷基金共投入3000万美金支持ValueExpansive实验室升级打造下一代无限延伸跨链计算系统Value Expansive实验室由硅谷多位黑客天才与比特币核心开发者组合而成,定位区块链分布式技术结合云计算的实验研究。此次种子轮投资由鹰眼基金携手凯雷基金共投入3000万美金支持Value Expansive升级分布式...


3. Koalabusinessmodelintroduction

...-low energy consumption and makes an indispensable contribution to global carbon emissions. 3. Free expansion: the addition and departure of the ore pool will not have any impact on the main network, and the higher the calculation force, the stronger the performance. 4. Ecological closed-loop: in the traditional foundation, KLA attaches importance to system design and introduces flexible mortgage ...


4. Cocos-BCX 宣布第五期6家生态合伙人名单,DAPPX,DappOS,SPEM 等入选

...外宣布第五期 COCOS 生态合伙人名单,包括 PizzaFactory/Camino,心流,DappOS,SP Expansion Machine (SPEM),DAPPX,DappOnline 等6支团队成功当选。以下为当选生态合伙人名单,排名不分先后:工具类:PizzaFactory/Camino游戏类:心流,DappOS社区类:SP Expansion Machine (SPEM)内容类:DAPPX,DappOnline第五期 COCOS 生态合伙人当选名...


5. Cocos-BCX 宣布第五期6家生态合伙人名单,DAPPX,DappOS,SPEM 等入选

...外宣布第五期 COCOS 生态合伙人名单,包括 PizzaFactory/Camino,心流,DappOS,SP Expansion Machine (SPEM),DAPPX,DappOnline 等6支团队成功当选。以下为当选生态合伙人名单,排名不分先后:工具类:PizzaFactory/Camino游戏类:心流,DappOS社区类:SP Expansion Machine (SPEM)内容类:DAPPX,DappOnline第五期 COCOS 生态合伙人当选名...


6. 看 Circle 见招拆招,如何带领 Poloniex 走向合规之路…

... 还表示 Poloniex 将会在 10 月 10 号下线三种数字资产,分别是 Synereo (AMP)、Expanse (EXP)以及 Gnosis (GNO)。Poloniex 将在 10 月 9 号暂停上述资产的交易和提取。Circle 承诺,一旦用户的钱包出现操作故障,他们可能会延迟下线日期。另外,他们还会通过邮件联系那些无法正常提取资产的用户,并提供协助...


7. SWFTBlockchain上线Libra红包和支付功能

...changed our plans to support Libra.Following the Libra Association’s press release announcing its expansion from one multi-currency Libra Coin (?LBR) to also launching multiple single-currency stablecoins from the multi-currency ?LBR basket (e.g., LibraUSD or ?USD, LibraEUR or ?EUR, LibraGBP or ?GBP, LibraSGD or ?SGD), SWFT Blockchain would like to express its support for all of these initiative...


8. SWFT Blockchain 上线Libra红包和支付功能

...changed our plans to support Libra.Following the Libra Association’s press release announcing its expansion from one multi-currency Libra Coin (?LBR) to also launching multiple single-currency stablecoins from the multi-currency ?LBR basket (e.g., LibraUSD or ?USD, LibraEUR or ?EUR, LibraGBP or ?GBP, LibraSGD or ?SGD), SWFT Blockchain would like to express its support for all of these initiative...


9. 主网篇:Cocos-BCX公布首批38家生态合伙人名单

...比特魔方,HelloPool,COCOS 微博战队、亚洲区块链加速器(ABA)4.社区类:SP Expansion Machine(海外) ,Cryptoblarabi(海外),COCOS小天使社区,艾文社区,SSSnodes 超节点(测试网期间名称为 Cocos-BCX UN),PANDA 社区,TokenHODL,鸿蒙资本社区,星际社区。二、新增海内外组织另外,Cocos-BCX 非常欢迎愿意参与生态建设...


10. 市场上的新玩家,TecraCoin

...众多有趣项目,这意味着该货币对世界产生了真正的、积极的影响。 通过 Expanse Plus 的大型光伏农场等项目,TecraCoin 使您能够支持技术发展、可持续能源生产等。您如何从项目代币中受益?代币持有者从参与项目中获利的第一种方式是 Tecra Space 的佣金。 活动期间筹集的资金的 3% 将分配给代币持有者,...


11. NGK打造系统高安全生态高繁荣的扩容型公链

...的扩容设计,并取得了实质性进展。1)分片技术,无限的TPS扩容Unlimited TPS expansion with sharding technologyNGK公链实现了同时支持网络分片(Sharding)、计算分片和状态分片,具备了真正的全水平扩展能力。分片基本原理是 “分流” ,用多个分片同时处理不同的交易,再汇集到主链上。网络分片,通过随机...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放【第25期】#闪电网络的起源# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘

...Short term thinking: Short term solutions focus on quick solutions to current problems, such as the expansion plan BIP100, where miners vote to raise the new block cap by about 20 percent, more than 80% of the power of the network can activate new block space, the disadvantage is that the voting process is complex. Long term thinking: The long term starting point is a one time, long term solution ...


13. FAMAcoin:一个匿名且挺有意思的手机挖矿项目

...walletunlock (password) : 解锁钱包(密码为创建钱包设置的密码)getmachine : Query expansion machine informationloadmachine (optional) : Loading expansion machineunloadmachine (optional) : Unloading and expansion machinesetmainaddress (address) : 设置默认地址transfertoaccount (number,from_address)(default_address) : 将FM从钱包划转入资产里transfertowallet (number,to_...


14. 未来矿场疯牛矿机CEO在迪拜与多个领导展开会晤

...esh, Saifu Sheglei, Shaihai, and Abm Rakib, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on January 29, 2020 The expansion plan of the global physical modern mines is to make a global layout for the future mine foundation. This meeting is of strategic significance for the future development of the mines in the Middle East, and it has also strongly improved the global layout of the future mine.


15. “ Altered Carbon”第2季预告片显示Anthony Mackie为“新”英雄

...太空迷”,票价便宜),拥有健康的观众,现在它不得不与亚马逊的《 The Expanse》等对手抗衡。如果Netflix打算保留科幻迷,那么新一季的Altered Carbon可能会发挥关键作用。[embedded content]电子加密新闻是一个加密货币和区块链新闻门户…
