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bitcoin to you

1. A Letter to the Bitcoin Community From Nerve

摘要:I am Nerve - A decentralized digital asset service network.Dear Bitcoin community,I am Nerve - A decentralized digital asset service networkBitcoin has now reached more than 100 billion in market capitalization, which even exceeds the fiat market cap of many countries. In the development process of the blockchain various public chains have also emerged, however, assets on each chain have ...


2. 书写中国:卡普伦《细谈比特币》(中英对译)

  Writing China: 'Chomping at the Bitcoin,' Zennon Kapron   书写中国:卡普伦《细谈比特币》   Bitcoin, the virtual currency that has attracted attention all over the world, has had a tough battle in China.   引发了全世界关注的虚拟货币--比特币,在中国的日子并不好过。   Last May, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV air...


3. 如何挑选数字货币钱包?

...电脑钱包Exodus界面很好看,安全性做的也不错,主流币种全部支持,比如:Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash,Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, 0x, EOS, Storj等。(8)其他电子钱包以上介绍的都是主流电子钱包,没能把所有的电子钱包全部介绍一遍,以下是G2全球的评分,有兴趣的朋友可以自己去看看G26、最后的思考...


4. 澳洲貔貅交易所即将停止运营

  NOTICE   Dear Acx Customers,   Due to the business adjustment of the Bitcoins Reserve, the parent company of Acx.io, Acx has to be closed down on September 18 by the Bitcoins Reserve.   We, the Acx Team, are the true believer of Bitcoins who still have faith in Bitcoins. We believe it can change the world. However, a decision was taken to close the Acx’s orig...


5. How Does the Blockchain Work? 區塊鏈如何運作?

...者的努力和區塊鏈社區的支持,還提供簡體中文和普通話版本。The Basics of Bitcoin比特幣的基礎The most known and discussed application of the blockchain technology isbitcoin,a digital currency that can be used to exchange products and services, just like the U.S. dollar, euro, Chinese yuan, and other national currencies. Let’s use this first application of the blockc...


6. 番外篇:听说你想全职区块链?

...an give is stay humble and learn the space for a little bit.I don't know if I consider myself an OG Bitcoiner, but I've been in the space more than half of its life. The space is about eleven years old in total, and I've been here six years.People joining the space, three to six months — just stay quiet and listen and learn, because it takes a good year and a half to two years to really understa...


7. Bitcoin Isn’t Down Because of China, It’s Down Because You Don’t Need It

...me utility is not as imminent as buyers thought it would be. This is most obvious with King Crypto, bitcoin, whose purported use-case as a store of value is not looking very compelling. The risk-reward in bitcoin has always been an extreme one, which is why its biggest proponents/salespeople assigned astronomic price targets to it. Widespread adoption is an extremely low-probability event with an...


8. 千字解析區塊鏈

...它存儲有關過去發生的事情的信息,但具有獨特的屬性。Let’s take a look at a Bitcoin transaction as an example of how blockchain works(Bitcoin is just one possible application of blockchain technology. Blockchain is to Bitcoin what the internet is to email):讓我們看一下以比特幣交易為例的區塊鏈工作方式(比特幣只是區塊鏈技術的一種可能應...


9. Blockchainexplainedin1000words千字解析區塊鏈

...它存儲有關過去發生的事情的信息,但具有獨特的屬性。Let’s take a look at a Bitcoin transaction as an example of how blockchain works(Bitcoin is just one possible application of blockchain technology. Blockchain is to Bitcoin what the internet is to email):讓我們看一下以比特幣交易為例的區塊鏈工作方式(比特幣只是區塊鏈技術的一種可能應...


10. 还记得那位,花了10000个比特币买披萨的程序员吗?

...于是去查了一下这位主人公Laszlo Hanyecz。在2010年5月18日,Laszlo在比特币论坛Bitcoin Forum上发表了一个对后世影响深远的帖子—— ”披萨换比特币?“Pizza for bitcoins??bitcointalk.orgMay 18, 2010, 12:35:20 AMI'll pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas.. like maybe 2 large ones so I have some left over for the next day. I like having left over pizza...


11. Kevacoin brief and how to mine

Kevacoin is a blockchain system that is designed based on the bitcoin and litecoin code. As the name tells itself, kevacoin is made up by two parts, keva and coin. coin is easy to understand, it follows the main stream to name a new block chain system, while keva is an abberivation for key-value. It is a key-value store built on blockchain. Kevacoin is not only a cryptocurrenty, but also a blockh...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放【第56期】#比特币的支付汇兑# &“行情解读”

...总之,币圈人员都期待有更合法化的监管,让比特币支付更好的服务全球。BITCOIN is not currently in circulation as a currency, but it can be used as a medium of exchange to make payments, especially across borders, if you need to pay $100 for an American proxy Game Point Card, you don't have a credit card and you don't want to do an international wire transfer. You can u...


13. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

... of altcoins, the explosion of ICOs, the rivalry among the public blockchains, the frantic forks of Bitcoin, and the subsequent burst of hypes and bubbles are all brutal expressions of the blockchain space.Just a year and a half has gone by, but it seems we have lived many years in a blink. As the saying goes: one day in the blockchain space, one year in the world.During the days, I have been preo...


14. BTC-E刷量之高频交易机器人的崩溃

...Robot's recent performance and we would like you to know that we are keeping a close eye on the Bitcoin markets. Bitcoin prices are facing a strong regression these days; as you can see from the Bitcoin charts here https://bitcoinwisdom.com/ , the long term trend during the last few months has been bearish and the price has been decreasing with very low volatility, which does not give enough v...


15. 播客:Meltem Demirors谈比特币所代表的三件事

...话是在Demirors于11月12日星期二在CoinDesk的Invest:NYC会议上露面之前进行的。BitcoinMacro弹出式播客系列以活动的演讲者和主题为主题,探讨了比特币在全球金融系统中的当前作用。 在播客中,Demirors与Bauerle谈了: <ul> <li>为什么加密货币在整个领域都广为人知,但几乎没有为大多数投资者注册。</li> <li>为...
