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about cryptobullcoin

1. AboutCoin合约交易可信赖的数字资产交易及资产管理服务

...业务逻辑、风险管理有着越来越高的要求。其中,最具代表性的交易所,如About Coin平台,正在以合约交易为切入点,加上操作系统内核级安全,为全球超过130个国家的数百万用户提供安全、可信赖的数字资产交易及资产管理服务,并取得飞速发展。“一直以用户为中心的About Coin,在合约交易领域不仅...


2. AboutCoin打造全球领先的在线自由交易和差价合约平台

...进场,挖掘数字资产交易市场,行业将迎来新一轮爆发。而作为最早进入的About Coin,正在为全球超过130个国家的数百万用户提供安全、可信赖的数字资产交易及资产管理服务。据悉,About Coin是一家全球领先的加密货币交易服务平台,总部位于美国,正在专注于打造全球领先的在线自由交易和差价合约...


3. AboutCoin具备优异的系统集成驱动业务快速拓展

...。因此交易系统也要求能和多个外部的系统包括对接三方系统集成的能力,About Coin研发系统可对接各类外部系统,包括交易系统内部添加其他交易模块与功能等,通过优异的系统集成,About Coin的业务拓展效率不断提升。“About Coin自主研发撮合系统,能确保交易的稳定,高效,准确,快速。同时,具备...


4. AboutCoin以新型合约交易打造数字资产投资创新时代

About Coin以新型合约交易 打造数字资产投资创新时代About Coin正在通过C2C交易、大数据分析和永续合约交易,引领新型合约交易一站式服务模式发展,打造数字资产投资创新时代,为全球更多投资者带来高价值回报。众所周知,2020年数字资产合约产品已然成为了数字资产交易所新的战场,其广阔的市场规...


5. AboutCoin多元化生态布局驱动资产流转环节变革

...项目方加密数字货币的价值输出给所有的投资者,紧紧地将彼此连接起来。About Coin多元化生态布局,正在驱动资产流转环节变革。“首先,交易所需要满足市场环境、交易规则和其他要素的一些监管要求。”About Coin平台相关负责人表示,About Coin是一家全球领先的加密货币交易服务平台,已经获得由美...


6. The CRS organization club member recruitment plan is about to start

The CRS organization club member recruitment plan is about to start?The Controlled Release Society (CRS) is an international organization which serves members from more than 50 countries. 70% of the CRS members represents the industry and 30% represents the academic community and the government. The Controlled Release Society has 18 local chapters.?CRS is home to experts that are dedicated to deli...


7. Announcement on BKEX Global about the results of SBT purchase on Incubator

Dear BKEXer:SBT?purchase on Seed Incubator Pro has been completed and SBT has been distributed to participants' account.[Purchase data](1)Purchase quantity A1: 8,333,334 SBT(2)Valid purchase quantity B1: 139,461,792 SBT(3)Purchase coefficient F1: A1/B1 ≈ 5.97%【Trading pair】SBT/USDT【Opening time of trading】15:00, 2019/12/19 (UTC+8)【Risk Warning】Digital assets are innovativ...


8. 门罗(XMR)寻求新的支持– Blokt接受采访的工作组组织者About RandomX

门罗币在CoinMarketCap上排名第14位。 在最近BTC下跌之后,面向隐私的代币经历了重要的调整。 在撰写本文时,XMR处于红色交易状态,该代币的价格为55.15美元。 除此之外,尽管市场有所调整,但这些天对加密货币的价格仍然存在乐观的预测。 正如你现在可能已经知道的那样,这些天加密货币市场确实非...


9. Announcement on BKEX about opening the purchase of SBT on Seed Incubator Pro

...e of deposit: 15:00, 2019/12/18(UTC+8)(3)Opening time of withdrawal: 15:00, 2019/12/18(UTC+8)【About SBT】1. IntroductionSOL Platform is community ecosystem platform based on Blockchain. SOL will implement a blockchain shopping system operated on Blockchain by our own technology and a blockchain service that shares sustainable benefits and benefits in a community-based ecosystem.?SOL will bu...


10. Announcement on BKEX about opening the purchase of SBT on Seed Incubator Pro

...e of deposit: 15:00, 2019/12/18(UTC+8)(3)Opening time of withdrawal: 15:00, 2019/12/18(UTC+8)【About SBT】1. IntroductionSOL Platform is community ecosystem platform based on Blockchain. SOL will implement a blockchain shopping system operated on Blockchain by our own technology and a blockchain service that shares sustainable benefits and benefits in a community-based ecosystem.?SOL will bu...


11. Q&A about Token Network 关于Token Network的问答AMA

摘要:了解更多关于Token Network的讯息!AMA主题Learn more about Token NetworkAMA渠道:NULS微信群AMA参与嘉宾:TokenNetwork联合创始人&CTO Ashutosh SharmaHOST主持人:NULS联合创始人和社区理事 红色蚂蚁AMA内容 实录Reaper:大家好,我是红色蚂蚁,NULS的联合发起人&社区理事,今晚,很高兴和大家一起走进TokenNetwork...


12. 为什么在比特币赌场玩而不是在常规的在线赌场玩

...ainly to protect them from prying eyes. This is just something that high rollers want to be careful about. The use of cryptocurrencies allows the players to keep their private details. There is no need for them to disclose as much personal information as most casinos would ask about. Since cryptocurrencies will be used, there is also no need to disclose any banking information. This just really he...


13. CryptoKitties登陆传统拍卖平台数分钟即售罄,引发对NFT的再思考

...之后还带全服置顶小喇叭,拥有者的荣誉感 MAX。拍卖出价历史TimeBidderAmountabout 8 hours@notkm10,500.00about 8 hours@club100010,000.00about 8 hours@notkm7,100.00about 9 hours@club10007,000.00about 9 hours@tyler6,400.00about 9 hours@notkm6,360.00about 9 hours@club10006,350.00about 9 hours@notkm6,260.00about 10 hours@club10006,250.00about 15 hours@notkm6,000.00about 16 hours@c...


14. 区块链是圆的,CryptoKitties与NFT再思考

...下之后还带全服置顶小喇叭,拥有者的荣誉感MAX。拍卖出价历史TimeBidderAmountabout 8 hours@notkm$10,500.00about 8 hours@club1000$10,000.00about 8 hours@notkm$7,100.00about 9 hours@club1000$7,000.00about 9 hours@tyler$6,400.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,360.00about 9 hours@club1000$6,350.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,260.00about 10 hours@club1000$6,250.00about 15 hours@notkm$6,000.00abou...


15. 区块链是圆的,CryptoKitties与NFT再思考。

...下之后还带全服置顶小喇叭,拥有者的荣誉感MAX。拍卖出价历史TimeBidderAmountabout 8 hours@notkm$10,500.00about 8 hours@club1000$10,000.00about 8 hours@notkm$7,100.00about 9 hours@club1000$7,000.00about 9 hours@tyler$6,400.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,360.00about 9 hours@club1000$6,350.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,260.00about 10 hours@club1000$6,250.00about 15 hours@notkm$6,000.00abou...
