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real chain

1. 圣穆德社区AMA第1期

...real estate industry realize digital and intelligent transformation through the development of blockchain +时间:2021年2月3日 20:00Time:February?3rd,2021主讲:魏然地产科技平台UPRETS?CMO,世界经济论坛全球杰出青年北京社区媒体官。曾任八维资本投研总监,DAOONE社区联合创始人。魏然是硅谷Draper?University校友,2021级清华-康奈尔金...


2. RoseOracle-Hecochain-Anewgenerationoforacleintegratedsystem

Recently, with the enthusiasm of the Huobi Eco-Chain, Binance Chain, and the upcoming Ok Eco-Chain, various decentralized oracle projects have been born, but the market always calms down after the heat fades. We pay tribute to prophecy For the contributions made by the industry technology experts on the machine track, we also launched our new generation of Hecochain-based oracle integrated system,...


3. 三元×ParsiqAMA实录

... latest AMA.In this AMA, Sunny has invited Tom Tirman, the founder of the Tom Tirman感谢:链闻 ChainNews、Winkrypto、Odaily 星球日报、Tokenview、PANews、三元资本 TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。Thanks for the support: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Odaily, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital,special thanks for their strong support for this event.1、请嘉宾简单的...


4. LeBondFinance实体资产和GameFi要如何赋能NFT生态?

...s, responding to changing times with innovative new business modes”. That’s why we combine blockchain and real estate business together.我们从事房地产和国际IT业务已超过10年。我们在新加坡,马来西亚,中国,香港和澳门都有很多的合作伙伴。将概念变成业务是我们的核心竞争点。正如房地产巨鳄Akira Mori?所言:“以我的经验,...


5. IPv6源计划介绍短片

...e research and development of Internet related technical standardsIPv6 源计划的核心正是IPv6 ChainIPv6 chain is the core of IPv6 source plan它是全球首个支撑大规模应用的实用化区块链4.0基础设施It is the first practical Block chain?4.0 infrastructure supporting massive applications in the world.它是构建下一代全球价值互联网的基石It is a cornerstone for b...


6. REITs chain,全球不动产存证创新键

REITs chain,全球不动产存证公链,给传统地产行业赋能,为全球房地产+区块链按下创新重启键。一、疫情下全球地产行业遇冷,REITs应运而生。突如其来的疫情给全世界的经济带来无妄之灾,资产蒸发如同空气一样司空见惯。统计数据显示,从2020年1月下旬开始,全球各个国家和地区大部分开发商的成交...


7. REITschain全球不动产存证创新键

REITs chain,全球不动产存证公链,给传统地产行业赋能,为全球房地产+区块链按下创新重启键。一、疫情下全球地产行业遇冷,REITs应运而生。突如其来的疫情给全世界的经济带来无妄之灾,资产蒸发如同空气一样司空见惯。统计数据显示,从2020年1月下旬开始,全球各个国家和地区大部分开发商的成交...


8. 【第261期】“闲置资源上链”&“行情解读”

...ns of TPS outputs, but can our available resources be used in our spare time to rent or sell on the chain? Eight big waste are: bad waste, manufacturing waste, processing waste, handling waste, inventory waste, waiting for waste, action waste, management waste. Idling can be understood as waiting for waste and inventory waste, the reality of waste cases, in the United States 80 million electric dr...


9. 中国主要银行,供应链金融区块链中的药品批发商

...项合作将引入浙商银行的行业领先的区块链技术,并共同构建升级版:Supply Chain Finance 2.0。” 吉祥天地将收集,传播和探索供应链中企业的融资需求。数据可以更快地传输到金融机构,然后金融机构执行风险分析并更有效地提供服务。今天的公告称,这为整个行业打开了融资渠道。 以前的Real Can平台...


10. Real Vision联合创始人:加密市场是一种新的、反脆弱性的金融系统

...美联储不需要介入,Defi没崩坏并继续接近正常状态,没有雏菊花环式(daisy chains)的附带损失,没有抵押压力,稳定币保持稳定。一些交易所宕机了一两个小时,但交易所未发生大额损失,没有协议失败。没有人遭受无休止的损失,系统没有中断。它为更广泛的金融世界提供了零系统风险。投机者赔了...


11. REITs Chain正是未来,无需穿越

...颠覆性为目标进行一系列的改变………于是,在这样的前提的背景下,REITS Chain应运而生。REITs Chain将是一个多领域的房产交易生态系统,个人、企业、商户都可以深度参与其中。REITs Chain最大限度保障了用户的隐私,保障了用户对资产的所有权以及对所有交易的追踪和溯源。这使得系统中的信息无法作...


12. AhugeactionofCACin2021

...n have such a strong strength? Let us find out?right now!First of all, CAC is an independent public chain developed by cosmos's underlying technology, its security is the same as Binance Exchange and OK Exchange, the more important is that CAC has the world’s unique heterogeneous cross-chain technology, the assets of user can fully realize private key contracts,?that means we are holding the rea...


13. 盛大公,为经济社会转型升级提供系统化的支撑

...,完成在相关市场的制高点抢夺。Under a series of policies, technologies such as blockchain have begun to be used in real industry. On the one hand, it enables the auxiliary force of digital economy to help the real industry complete the transformation. On the other hand, it also enables the real industry to take the fast train of digital asset and asset digitization as soon as possib...


14. BoleBusiness与VTChain达成战略合作

Bole Business(以下简称伯乐商学院)与VT Chain正式达成战略合作关系,双方将就各自资源优势进行深度合作,推动区块链技术发展和普及。伯乐商学院成立于英国开曼群岛。依托于多年成熟的教学理念,发展至今已成为一家知名金融投资咨询服务平台。主要提供金融知识及技术教育、实时行情分析指导、...


15. Key words of wealth in 2020 SuperRadar

..., accurate and stableSuper radar is coming, creating wealth againAll of this should start with blockchain technology!which has created an era of "blockchain financial business".Compared with any financial innovation in history, the digitalcurrency derived from blockchain technology is particularly uniqueand charming, and the emergence of digital currency has impacted theposition of traditional c...