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火球财经 中心化 the meaning

1. Bittrex & SUTER? b网的中国首次AMA之行

...供的技术模块,可以打造多种隐私保护的DeFi功能,比如抵押贷款,借贷及去中心化的交易所。为了保证我们协议的去中心化程度和响应灵敏度,Suterusu引入了流动性去中心化选贤制。金色财经 CEO 安鑫鑫:Can you share more technical updates from Suteursu,能够分享一下近期Suterusu的技术进展吗?Lin CTO :我们最近发布...


2. 区块链大型巡回播放【第55期】#比特币重新审视货币定义# &“行情解读”

...定义比特币,显然比特币是货币,但是比特币却不能成为真正的货币,除非中心化操控。As for the definition of money, the official answer is, money has a measure of value-a measure of value, a means of circulation-a function of circulation, a means of storage-a means of storage, a means of payment-a means of payment, a world currency-a world currency. The five basic ...


3. Akash Network CFO Cheng Wang:更简单、实用、可扩展AKash赋能DeFi

链想邀请到了去中心化云计算行业专业团队AKash Network的CFO Cheng Wang。但这篇文章详细介绍了AKash的价值主张和Akt的盈利潜力:《Akash 通证的收入潜力》链想财经Could you briefly introduce the AKash token model。Cointegraph中文27分钟前Akash Network CFO Cheng Wang:更简单、实用、可扩展AKash赋能DeFi采访本期AMA,链想邀请到...


4. LBC亚太区湖南站启动大会新闻稿



5. GTA如何用区块链助力基因技术的发展?



6. 有约社交系统详解



7. 读懂资本投资的DAO(A16z、三箭资本、软银参投)

...,并且其中一些成员保持匿名,但Pleasr DAO有着自己的理念,觉得DAO热衷于去中心化和使用DAO造福社会,而不仅仅是获取利润。Pleasr DAO的价值Pleasr DAO被称为去中心化的艺术投资帝国,正尝试数字和社区艺术所有权方面的新概念。除了共享这些作品的所有权之外,该团队还计划在DeFi中应用创新来增加和传...


8. HowtoavoidhighthresholdsandparticipateinETH2.0intheeasiestway

...he validator 20075. Because he was the first person to be punished by Ethereum Slash. Slash penalty means that Ethereum 2.0 collects a fine from the 32 ETH pledged in the node. Any amount of the Slash fine cannot be replaced. If the node staking ETH tokens falls below 16 due to the accumulation of Slash penalty, the node will automatically Withdraw from the Ethereum 2.0 network.And the first frien...


9. FTX创始人Sam与Paxos联合创始人Rich深度对话稳定币的发展与应用

火星财经APP(微信:hxcj24h)一线报道,8月6日晚上21:00点,「火星总编时刻」第37期在火星财经社群展开,本期对话主题为「Stablecoin Dialogue,深度对话稳定币的发展与应用」。火星财经副总编辑猛小蛇对话对话FTX创始人Sam与Paxos联合创始人Rich Teo。火星财经APP(微信:hxcj24h)一线报道,8月6日晚上21:00点,「火...


10. EOS早期土豪联合创始人Brock Pierce块信独家访问,关于币价走势他是这样说的。

...celebrate together. and it's a pretty rather exciting and rather exciting announcement. You know, I mean it should come as no surprise Dan larimer built Bitshares. Dan Larimer built Steamit, Dan Larimer build a general purpose blockchain,the first step he was going to build this on "Facebook" i mean social.;where the users get all the benefit you get where we own our data, we own our future. We ta...


11. 谁会想到?EOS创始人BM发声:和谷歌云合作的“目的”是为了减少 Chinese 矿工【

...today with Block.one CTO Dan Larimer and here is an excerpt from the interview about what this news means. If you like to watch the full interview, visit Naomi brockwell.com memberships. We dive deep into EOS Tech. it’s history starting with the bitshares days. We talk about democracy in society in general, the ability to succeed and why incentivizing voter turnout isn’t always a good idea. Th...


12. Whichcryptoexchangeisbestforusers?Comparisonoflendingservices

...s and potentials of blockchain is to impact and innovate traditional finance, and lending is also a means to ensure that finance can develop continuously, steadily, and orderly, so the outbreak of the lending market is inevitable. In just six months, many platforms have launched their own lending services.But when it comes to anything related to funds, the platform used is something that any user ...


13. 数字新基建 融合新机遇——区块链IPFS技术与应用沙龙

...星财经 链得得 深链财经金色财经 米又财经 陨石财经 区块链地图IPFS研习社 火球财经 算力智库 瓦力财经本文来源:币道小师傅原文标题:数字新基建 融合新机遇——区块链IPFS技术与应用沙龙


14. 瓦力财经第18期直播访谈|对话RSK/RIF亚太地区总监EddyTravia



15. Parity 招聘 Runtime 工程师和开发推广,可远程办公!

... 3.0 技术构建核心基础设施,包括 P2P 网络、共识算法、密码学、数据库和去中心化应用程序。Parity Technologies 拥有一支规模虽小但不断壮大的开发团队。我们开发的 Substrate 开源框架,旨在帮助开发者快速开发和部署区块链应用。关于这个职位作为区块链 Runtime 工程师,您将与其他 Rust 开发人员一起构...
