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bitcoin ng a scalable

1. 全球引用最高 10 篇区块链论文,中山大学占 2 篇

...用量 2380) [2] Tapscott, Don, and Alex Tapscott. Blockchain revolution: how the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world. Penguin, 2016. (引用量 1265) [3] Zyskind, Guy, and Oz Nathan. "Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data." 2015 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops. IEEE, 2015. (引用量 1138) [4] Kosba, Ahmed, et al. "Hawk: The blockch...


2. 区块链与分布式系统

扩展阅读[1] Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance[2] Bitcoin-NG: A Scalable Blockchain Protocol[3] Prism: Deconstructing the Blockchain to Approach Physical Limits[4] State Machine Replication in the Libra Blockchain[5] Majority is not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable[6] HotStuff: BFT Consensus in the Lens of Blockchain。原文标题:《区块链与分布式系统》撰文:盖盖区块...


3. 人民网:运用交叉学科思维推动高通量区块链技术发展



4. CapsuleMiningcreatesaneweraofmining

Capsule Mining Capsule Mining is the world's first Bitcoin sustainable computing power mining service platform, providing users with a complete set of real mining service solutions, which can easily realize one-click mining.Mining initiative Capsule MiningThe sustainable computing power product designed by Capsule Mining is the first in the mining industry and the best for investors among all prod...


5. 关于中国推出国家加密货币的讨论

... fiat và CBDC.Làm sao ?? có th? ??t ???c ?i?u T? do ?y? S? m?n bàn vào lúc khác.H?t!T?p Chí Bitcoin tr?n tr?ng c?m ?n tác gi? ?? ??ng ? cho ??ng t?i bài vi?t này.跟随Twitter页面|订阅电报频道|跟随Facebook页面仅从年利率的5.9%借用加密货币-您可以有效地使用这笔钱而无需出售硬币。拥有稳定币,美元,欧元和英镑的保险,每年最多...


6. 深度对话RioDeFi:链接CeFi与DeFi加速数字资产大规模应用

...ative currencies after the financial crisis of 2008. It was 2012 that I really started looking into Bitcoin, and I met Vitalik Buterin and Erik Voorhees back in 2013 at a conference called Porcfest in New Hampshire, which is also when I bought my first Bitcoin.I invested into Ether in 2014, into The DAO in 2016, and over 40+ different cryptocurrencies since then. In 2017 I started a business calle...


7. 《深度对话RioDeFi:链接CeFi与DeFi,加速数字资产大规模应用》

...ative currencies after the financial crisis of 2008. It was 2012 that I really started looking into Bitcoin, and I met Vitalik Buterin and Erik Voorhees back in 2013 at a conference called Porcfest in New Hampshire, which is also when I bought my first Bitcoin.I invested into Ether in 2014, into The DAO in 2016, and over 40+ different cryptocurrencies since then. In 2017 I started a business calle...


8. 比特币ETF的现状与未来

...ETF的盖头,一览其庐山真面目。   (一)比特币ETF是什么   比特币(Bitcoin,英文简称BTC),是一种利用开源的P2P(Peer-to-Peer,简称P2P,也称对等网络)软件通过特定算法计算产生的依靠分布式数据库来确认并记录所有交易行为的网络虚拟货币。[4]它具有总量固定、去中心化和匿名等特性。[5]自从2008...


9. 谁将赢得CBDC竞赛-Inthanon,Digital Lira / Yuan项目? BiKi的Ethan Ng奉献

...美洲和西部地区,BiKi.com一直是 认真研究每个地区的市场状况。吴江(Ethan Ng),首席执行官BiKi.com海,让他对当前 在泰国,中国和土耳其发展CBDC。问:首先,您认为CBDC是否正在增长?A:明确地。从那以后对这个领域的兴趣一直在增长 Libra宣布了,最近与欧洲央行的克里斯汀·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)...


10. BeyondBlockchainhackathon黑客松大赛开始报名

...ing developers to innovate on its flagship EOSIO protocol while deploying their applications on the scalable Google Cloud.Blockchain technology’s inherent qualities of security, transparency and traceability have increasingly made it an integral part of everyday applications – from securing payments, proving provenance, verifying identity and making gaming more immersive. Participants will hav...


11. 引介 | 闪电网络的历史:从头脑风暴,到测试版本(上)

...认。这个观念,整体上可以说跟中本聪在 2009 年放出的比特币软件一样早。Bitcoin 0.1 就包含了一个代码草稿,是允许用户在交易被网络确认之前更新这笔交易的:- Bitcoin 0.1 包含的支付通道草稿。来源:GitHub -虽然这份代码很粗糙,中本聪后来在跟bitcoinj开发者私聊时 Mike Hearn 讲了更多支付通道如何工作...


12. 重回牛市?小心这些危险信号

...kerDAO protocol Stability system, according to Digital Assets Data.◎内容来源:?https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/australia-has-a-plan-for-monitoring-libra/Zcash社区投票决定分配20%的挖矿奖励以支持开发Zcash社区已投票支持分配网络挖矿奖励的新方法,以支持Zcash开发。根据投票决定,从1,046,400区块开始,Zcash挖矿奖励的20%将分配给开...


13. Bitcoin Cash(BCC)的发展路线图全览

  注:作者是openbazaar的开发者,开发了Bitcoin Cash Wallet,这里描述的路线图是作者从邮件组和Slack中总结的,并不是官方给出的路线图   比特币现金从Bitcoin Core中分裂出来已经一个月了,按照任何合理的标准来看,比特币现金都应该被定义为是成功的。在刚分裂的时候比特币现金存在着巨...


14. HowcanInotlosemoneyincryptoinvestments?Whynottrystaking

Cosmos (ATOM) was originally proposed by Jae Kwon in 2014. On March 14, 2019, the Cosmos (ATOM) mainnet, Cosmos Hub, was officially launched. Cosmos Hub is a multi-asset proof-of-stake cryptocurrency network. It implements network changes and updates through a simple management mechanism, and can also be expanded by connecting to other spaces. The center and various spaces of the Cosmos (ATOM) net...


15. Lattice开启交易聚合器全新2.0时代

...quidity pools and incorporate multiple Automated Market Making(AMM) algorithms on Constellation’s scalable Network.通过为协议用户提供最佳价格和利润,Lattice是现有DeFi解决方案的演进。它支持交易的智能路由,并能够汇总流动资金池,并在Constellation的可扩展网络上整合多种自动做市(AMM)算法。Our vision is to increasethe ease of tra...
