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1. 招股金服将联合发起“前海国际区块链生态圈联盟”

...the Event by hosts.   14:04-14:09 論壇啟動致辭   14:04-14:09 Opening Ceremony Speech   14:10-14:15 區塊鏈聯盟發起儀式 (招股金服参与)   14:10-14:15 Initiation Rites of Block Chain Alliance   14:16-14:40   主題演講:區塊鏈下一個互聯網金融的大風口   Keynote Speech: Block Chain, the Next Large Vent of Inte...


2. 通缉最有趣的人

...生出没的地方,请各种女生吃饭,但没一个看上他,每次约会回来他都会做 Speech,大家都被他逗得前俯后仰,后来他的 Speech 出了名,每次开始前都会有人在宿舍楼奔走相告。毕业后他还给我打电话做过一次 Speech,挂电话之前他告诉我,其实这些年他很痛苦,感情挫败不说,所有人都把他的 Speech 当笑...


3. Digital Trading Alliance meeting invites OCX to attend China Travel: Shenzhen

...r 10 industries. Wang Jun attended the meeting as a partner of the OCX exchange.Meeting siteKeynote speechIn the first link, Sun Zheng, president of Guangzhou Angel, Edward Jacobs, CEO of the Global Digital Exchange Alliance, and New John, Secretary-General of the World Free Trade area Federation, delivered keynote speeches, focusing on blockchain investment and industry development opportunities,...


4. 美联储的行动不太可能在短期内提振比特币



5. 专访「加密妈妈」SEC专员HesterPeirce:解析安全港提案

...哪一边。从 SEC 网站可了解更多关于 Howey 测试的信息:(https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/speech-hinman-061418)(https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/peirce-how-we-howey-050919)(https://www.sec.gov/corpfin/framework-investment-contract-analysis-digital-assets)</blockquote>RS:倘若一个商业模式被定义为证券,那么该项目与 SEC 作出的第一步应是什么?HP:...


6. 专访「加密妈妈」SEC 专员 Hester Peirce :解析安全港提案

...哪一边。从 SEC 网站可了解更多关于 Howey 测试的信息:?(https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/speech-hinman-061418)(https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/peirce-how-we-howey-050919)(https://www.sec.gov/corpfin/framework-investment-contract-analysis-digital-assets)</blockquote>RS:倘若一个商业模式被定义为证券,那么该项目与 SEC 作出的第一步应是什么?HP:...


7. 香港证监会主席:多家加密货币交易所可被监管,会有上币标准【附框架讲话全



8. 德央行行长:货币政策的变化与延续

... Weidmann),德国央行(Deutsche Bundesbank)行长英文原文如下:Change and continuitySpeech delivered at Deutsche Bo?rse’s New Year’s reception03.02.2020 | Eschborn | Jens Weidmann1 IntroductionDear Joachim Faber, dear Theodor Weimer, che?re Christine,Ladies and gentlemen,There’s a saying that twice is repetition and three times is a tradition. So it is a pleasure, and a privi...


9. 比特币受美国宪法第一修正案保护?

...找一个新的定位,进行曲线救国。有好朋友春哥分享我一篇论文《Bitcoin is Speech:Notes Toward Developing the conceptual Contours of Its Protection Uder the First Amendment》(《比特币是一个言论平台:根据宪法第一修正案来构建一套保护比特币的观念框架)论文很长,讲了大量的比特币原理,还有大篇幅讲宪法第一修正案的...


10. 数字美元还是稳定币美联储内部有矛盾但他们都不喜欢比特币



11. 数字美元还是稳定币 美联储内部有矛盾 但他们都不喜欢比特币



12. 中央银行数字货币与货币政策的未来

..., NBER Working Paper No. 23711. [4]Broadbent, B (2016), “Central Banks and Digital Currencies.” Speech to London School of Economics, 2 March. [5]Buchanan, J (1962), “Predictability: The Criterion of Monetary Constitutions”, In: Leland Yaeger, In Search of a Monetary Constitution. Harvard University Press: 155-183. [6]Buiter, W (2009), “Negative Nominal Interest Rates: Three Ways to Over...


13. 经典重读 | 为什么央行数字货币是当前货币运行趋势的自然延伸?

..., NBER Working Paper No. 23711.[4]Broadbent, B (2016), “Central Banks and Digital Currencies.” Speech to London School of Economics, 2 March.[5]Buchanan, J (1962), “Predictability: The Criterion of Monetary Constitutions”, In: Leland Yaeger, In Search of a Monetary Constitution. Harvard University Press: 155-183.[6]Buiter, W (2009), “Negative Nominal Interest Rates: Three Ways to Overcom...


14. 《负责任的金融创新法案》会改变SEC的“豪威测试”标准吗?(上)

...Empty:A Proposal to Fill the Gap Between Regulation and Decentralization,https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/peirce-remarks-blockress-2020-02-06。2. SEC ,SEC Obtains Final Judgment Against Kik Interactive For Unregistered Offering,https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-262。3. SEC v. Reginald (“Reggie”) Middleton, Veritaseum, Inc., and Veritaseum, LLC,https://www.sec.gov/divisions/e...


15. 欧洲央行执行委员会 | 单一货币:未完成的议程

...4]For anearlier contribution, see C?uré, B. (2018), “The euro area’s three lines ofdefence”, speech at the conference “Deepening of EMU”, Ljubljana, 2 February.[5]SeeBravo-Biosca, A. (2017), “Firm growth dynamics and productivity in Europe”,in?Remaking Europe: the new manufacturing as an engine for growth,Bruegel.[6]SeeC?uré, B. (2017), “Convergence matters for monetary policy”...
