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1. KEY Difference Media在2021年再次跻身ICO营销代理商和公司5强

...re World)的荣誉是2021年ICO排名前五位的代理商之一,这是当之无愧的,但KEY Difference Media团队宁愿继续前进,也不要固步自封。 自2017年以来,KEY Difference Media一直连续数年获得数字营销机构的最高奖项之一。许多公司相信外包数字营销需求,KEY Difference Media是他们提供全套营销营销软件包的首选提供商...


2. ethbox的KEY Difference Media Pitches代币销售(由Duck??DAO支持):在24小时内将近1

...一样冒险,让野鸭在社区中感到高兴。” – 钥匙在DuckDAO的支持下,KEY Difference Media宣传ethbox即将进行的代币销售。 ethbox是一项旨在实现最终安全性的新兴安全托管服务,而DuckDAO是区块链领域最负盛名的组织之一。KEY Difference Media通过全套营销活动帮助企业在互联网上建立权威的形象。 在实现最佳...


3. ethbox的KEY Difference Media Pitches代币销售(由Duck??DAO支持):在24小时内将近1

...一样冒险,让野鸭在社区中感到高兴。” – 钥匙在DuckDAO的支持下,KEY Difference Media宣传ethbox即将进行的代币销售。 ethbox是一项旨在实现最终安全性的新兴安全托管服务,而DuckDAO是区块链领域最负盛名的组织之一。KEY Difference Media通过全套营销活动帮助企业在互联网上建立权威的形象。 在实现最佳...


4. (2)SuggestionaboutPlaymodesdevelopmentofAxieInfinity

... make heavy loss and talked about Axie Infinity asset security suggestions, today I will talk about different gameplay mode. As one of the hottest games in 2021, Axie Infinity has many differences compared with those traditional online games:1.Make Game digital things unique and capitalization possiblePets\Lands\Resource\Money in this game are all NFTs, they belong to the Axie Infinity team and al...


5. ENai intelligent brick

...ty: It adopts block chain to move bricks and conduct hematopoiesis, by using digital currency price difference theory, it proceeds exchange interest margin by the way of hedging (without time difference) synchronization and moving bricks (with time difference) first-in last-out in ethernet chain (block chain) to automatically buy and sell currency interest margin!As a whole, ENai is an intelligent...


6. 【MAD】Make A Difference,加密货币+慈善=利他天堂的绝配

【项目看点】1.在加密货币与慈善机构的结合起步阶段,Make A Difference(有所作为)Token,是将加密货币作为给慈善机构捐赠标准的先驱。捐给谁(社区投票/个人意愿),怎么捐(不经过中心化的机构,点到点直接到捐赠对象),怎么用(捐赠的使用去向),整个捐赠过程全透明上链。这让红十字绣类型...


7. 区块链大型巡回播放第178期“互联链”

...th each other among the internal computers. The roommates next door can not get in at all, that is, different networks of computers communicate differently.It wasn't until the 1970s that the packet network protocol emerged, and TCP / Ip connected these islands of information together to form the Internet, that it was possible that these different chains, through some kind of value transfer protoco...


8. 孙宇晨对话Winter:国产区块链波场TRON携手国际交易所BiKi共论亿级生态

...ng stiff competition from these top major exchanges in the international market, does BiKi have any different competitive strategies? For example, what are the new strategies for introducing energy into projects like TRON which has a billion-level flow and is ecologically sound?孙宇晨:据悉,火币、OKEx、币安都在推进国际化发展,面对头部交易所在国际市场上的竞争...


9. 孙宇晨&Winter:国产区块链波场TRON携手国际交易所BiKi,共论亿级生态

...ng stiff competition from these top major exchanges in the international market, does BiKi have any different competitive strategies? For example, what are the new strategies for introducing energy into projects like TRON which has a billion-level flow and is ecologically sound?孙宇晨:据悉,火币、OKEx、币安都在推进国际化发展,面对头部交易所在国际市场上的竞争...


10. 七号矿场未来充满想象

...tem which appeared in 1999. Only IPFS is more "distributed" than these technologies. So what is the difference between Filecoin and Amazon Cloud with distributed storage technology?本质上没有区别。Filecoin和亚马逊、阿里都是售卖存储资源的企业。最大的区别是,即使亚马逊云采用分布式方案,它的存储服务器设备是中心化搭建中心化管理,数...


11. DefiKing,theevolutionofDeFi

...ct protocol container supporting cross-chain, consisting of multiple protocols capable of providing different DeFi capabilities, including: dTrade, dOracle, dComposite, dPrivacy, dMatrix five core protocol modules covering cross-chain, prophecy machine, decentralized synthetic asset issuance privacy protection, decentralized collateralized stablecoin savings/lending and other application categorie...


12. USDT增发推动Crypto通胀?

...:1天、7天、14天、30天。用对应时间间隔后的价格减去当天价格得到”+X day difference“。公式为:“+X day difference” = price(day+X)-price(day)将铸币日、非铸币日的”+X day difference”加和、求均值后得到“SUM_X”和“AVG_X”。其中,AVG_X衡量的是每次铸币/销毁行为对之后单天的价格影响,公式为:AVG_X = Average(”...


13. 查看 2021 年发布的 10 个投资回报率 (ROI) 最高的代币

...突出。 这是因为这些加密货币具有市场上最高的投资回报率 (ROI)。由 Crypto Differ 编制并于本周二 (28) 发布的名单包括数字资产,例如来自基于加密的游戏 MyNeighborAlice 的 ALICE 和来自基于 Solana 的平台 StarLaunch 的 STARS。在下面查看 2021 年推出的 10 种加密货币活动列表,这些加密货币在加密市场中具有最佳...


14. Nimbus上线币安智能链(BSC),引领加密投资新征程

...策略实施,从而让我我们的用户感到更加直观和有益的!三、Will there be any differences between Nimbus on Ethereum and Nimbus on BSC?Nimbus在以太坊网络和BSC网络上会有哪些区别?There will be specific difference in the logic of Nimbus dApps on BSC to adjust to the underlying blockchain. For example, the APYs shall be different due to the gas fees difference be...


15. HowtoavoidhighthresholdsandparticipateinETH2.0intheeasiestway

... the following problems occur during verification, the verifier will be fined:1. The validator uses different roots (essentially a hash of internal data) in the same slot to propose two conflicting blocks. If such operations are not punished, then the verifier can easily create unnecessary forks or cause confusion. Note: Simply proposing the same block twice will not be fined;2. The validator prov...
