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Blockchain Compliance as a Service

1. 英国区块链合规性服务(Blockchain Compliance as a Service)公司准备“走出去”

...一手资料,Coinfirm.io CEO Pawel Kuskowski正在进行的伦敦区块链业务新扩张计划,Blockchain Compliance as a Service(区块链合规性服务)。   Coinfirm.io正在与泛欧洲波兰储蓄银行合作开发一个新平台,确保文件来源和验证原件。这是PwC项目的一部分,支持年轻企业家和初创企业在区块链和金融科技领域里的开...

知识:Blockchain Compliance as a Ser

2. Recommendedbythemosttrustedcryptoexchange,allowingyoutoinvestsafely

...on the market have been sorted out so that investors have more choices.BinanceBinance Exchange is a blockchain asset trading platform, founded in August 2017. Provide a wide range of services such as digital currency transactions, currency information, blockchain education, blockchain project incubation, and blockchain charity funds to the world. There are compliance locations in Asia, Africa, and...


3. 本体参与IEEEBDL2021年全体会议暨P3200系列国际标准工作组会议

...还为 BDL SC 执行委员会委员和参与 IEEE 2418.2-2020 - IEEE Standard for Data Format for Blockchain Systems 的专家颁发了证书。BDL SC 的 IEEE P3200系列在研的12个国际标准工作组主席分别汇报了工作进展,新筹建的3个国际标准工作组主席分别介绍了标准的设想。BDL SC 将在全球征集更多区块链相关专家加入,加快推动区块链...


4. MeDIAeYeNFTPortal一个“Baas”-Blockchain-as-a-Service平台

MeDIA eYe NFT Portal 是一个“ Baas”-Blockchain-as-a-Service 平台,旨在加强和简化购买、销售、铸造、收集、推广和创造价值的流程。MeDIA eYe 平台被设计成用户友好的、为用户提供“无摩擦”的体验。MeDIA eYe 是一个多链平台,提供了一系列广泛的功能,旨在支持范围广泛的NFT?用例。被设计成可以与 evm 兼容...


5. 水桥区块链3小时超5000名社区成员参与公测

...开启全球公测,截止至下午6点已有5000多名社区成员参与公测。The WaterBridge Blockchain officially opened its global public beta at 3 pm Singapore time on September 2, 2020. As of 6 pm, more than 5000 community members have participated in the public beta.水桥区块链倍思系统(Blockchain as a Service,简称BaaS)是面向开发者提供通用区块链技术的企...


6. R网交易所(RSDT)重磅上线

...ment strategy of "spot + contract + physical landing", is committed to building the world's leading blockchain exchange, realizing the issue of blockchain listing for SMEs with physical landings around the world, and providing users with landing Digital asset financial services. R network always advocates rational investment, adheres to forward-looking layout, international expansion, and market-o...


7. HowcanInotlosemoneyincryptoinvestments?Whynottrystaking

...paces. The center and various spaces of the Cosmos (ATOM) network can communicate through the inter-blockchain communication (IBC) protocol, which is aimed at the blockchain network. The transfer of all tokens within the space will go through the Cosmos (ATOM) center, which records the total amount of tokens held by each space. This center will isolate each space from other fault spaces. Everyone ...


8. ZBCEO欧码哥深度对话R网AMA:减半将至历经7载的一线交易所ZB如何突出重围

...历,能给我们分享一下吗?We know that you have been involved in traditional VC / PE and blockchain exchange business. Can you share with us the creation opportunity original intention of ZBG and the experience of taking over ZB later?Omar:大家好,我是中币的欧码哥,之前在ZBG。我是学计算机出身,研究生毕业后,在爱立信做过码农,接着在华为海...


9. A Letter to the Bitcoin Community From Nerve

...zation, which even exceeds the fiat market cap of many countries. In the development process of the blockchain various public chains have also emerged, however, assets on each chain have become islands of value, and some breakthrough Defi use cases cannot maximize their value due to the limitation of the local coin on the chain, therefore the emerging blockchain industry cannot continue to make st...


10. A Letter to the NULS Community From Nerve

...underlying technologies in the global NULS is one of the best underlying technologies in the global blockchain landscape. NULS has achieved cross-chain operations on homogeneous blockchains, a very important step in the cross-chain field, which has helped to enhance the ecological development of NULS. Based on this work, we will achieve cross-chain support for all projects in the top 10 global mar...


11. 尽管比特币销售税繁重,中本聪会客室依然重开

...s for small Australian businesses like ours to buy and sell bitcoins internationally and locally in compliance with the tax ruling, which has allowed us to reopen for business.   现在像我们这样的小型澳大利亚企业选择越来越多,并且买卖比特币也符合国际上和当地的税务裁决,我们就重开了业务。   Speaking to CoinDesk, Alexiuc would ...


12. DFCpublicchainMultiChaincoldwalletOnline

...secure about digital security.At present, the global digital asset exchanges are actively layout in compliance, whether regulators or innovative enterprises, in the direction of stable currency, asset custody, clearing, compliance platform currency issuance and other directions have also appeared more and more compliance attempts and exploration. In the future, digital asset exchanges will be reco...


13. FIL自带光环七号矿场不可估量

...arge scale, FIL has become the new favorite of the currency circle, and IPFS has led the arrival of blockchain 3.0 era!Filecoin是一个在分布式数据存储的高成长赛道上,获得众多知名投资机构投资、有着超豪华创业团队、并且在融资时就已经为未来合法合规做好充分准备的一个明星项目。Filecoin is a star project which has won investment from ...


14. 法律专家:西联汇款BitLicense法案的回应是支持比特币

...。   You see a number of things that suggest if the world does move in this direction of blockchain-based frameworks, what would make this unworkable for us If we found ourselves going down that path, what things would we want to nip in the bud now if we found ourselves doing that in the medium to long term he said.   他说:你会看到有许多事情显示,如果这个世...


15. DFCchainmulti-chaincoldwalletiscomingonline

...secure about digital security.At present, the global digital asset exchanges are actively layout in compliance, whether regulators or innovative enterprises, in the direction of stable currency, asset custody, clearing, compliance platform currency issuance and other directions have also appeared more and more compliance attempts and exploration. In the future, digital asset exchanges will be reco...
