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1. Whichcryptoexchangeisbestforusers?Comparisonoflendingservices

... by the three major domestic digital currency trading platforms (Binance, OKex, and ZB.com).1.????? Interest rateWhen interest rates are used as collateral for currency borrowing, the first factor that users should focus on has naturally become the first important link in our comparison.Let's look at the data directly: Binance, the annualized interest rate is 14.5%; ZB.com, the annualized interest...


2. NDN能为区块链和未来网络世界带来什么

...身的安全机制上。NDN的通信主要基于两个数据包传输类型,一种是请求包(Interest),另外一种是数据包(Data),两者根据完整或相对的名字进行匹配。通信策略完全有请求放驱动。请求方向NDN 网络广播请求包,以数据命名为纽带,通过拉(PULL)的方式获取数据包。消费者首先发送一个Interest 包来请求一个...


3. 喜大普奔|Conflux首届Hackathon获奖名单

...烤仔为大家介绍首届 Conflux 网络 Hackathon 的获奖者!特等奖 & Aave 赛道获胜者Interest Prize Dollar奖金:40,000 CFX + (10,000 CFX + 价值 $1,000 的 aUSDC)Interest Prize Dollar 结合了 Aave 和 Conflux 的技术,旨在为用户支付通证提供服务。以太坊上的通证可以转换成 Aave aToken 以赚取利息,aToken 会打包发送到低交易费用、...


4. OKEx关于UNIUSDT、UNIUSD、等永续合约的资金费率规则调整公告

...率=Clamp(MA(((合约买一价+合约卖一价)/2-现货指数价格)/现货指数价格 - Interest), a, b),其中Interest当前为0a=-0.30%,b=0.30%二、UNIUSDT、UNIUSD、SUNUSDT、SUNUSD和JSTUSDT永续合约调整后资金费率规则资金费率=Clamp(MA(((合约买一价+合约卖一价)/2-现货指数价格)/现货指数价格 - Interest), a, b),其中Interest当前为...



...率=Clamp(MA(((合约买一价+合约卖一价)/2-现货指数价格)/现货指数价格 - Interest), a, b),其中Interest当前为0a=-0.30%,b=0.30%二、UNIUSDT、UNIUSD、SUNUSDT、SUNUSD和JSTUSDT永续合约调整后资金费率规则资金费率=Clamp(MA(((合约买一价+合约卖一价)/2-现货指数价格)/现货指数价格 - Interest), a, b),其中Interest当前为...


6. 【12.11国外百咖说:顺便学英语】以太坊GOOGLE搜索量创历史新低

...元时受欢迎Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is going through an interesting period as of late. A Trustnodesreportindicates that the project has seen the lowest number of Google searches in years. In fact, it was more popular even as far back as in 2016, when its price was only $20.以市值计算的第二大加密货币以太坊(ETH)最近正在经历一个...


7. CoinMarketCap推出加密资产借贷平台的利率比较

...据所提供的利率对加密货币资产贷款平台进行排名。该产品被CoinMarketCap称为Interest,其工作方式与现有排名服务类似,但在这种情况下,按借款人和贷方分别支付或赚取的利率对加密货币资产(共33种)进行排名。 除利率外,还可以通过该服务获取其他数据,包括最短存款期限,存款提供的开始时间和...


8. Alpha5BTC未平仓合约创新高,达3800万美金

...图片来源于glassonde2021年4月13日加密货币BTC于主流交易平台未平仓合约(Open Interest)创下历史新高,超过2700亿美金。预示市场活跃,资金大量流入,而在当天BTC价格也一路上升至。Alpha5平台4月13日BTC未平仓合约也创下历史新高,超过3800万美金。Alpha5从上线至今短短几个月获得如此高的交易数据,也充分...


9. 区块链大型巡回播放【第54期】#央行发行数字货币的优势# &“行情解读”

...ney is issued in a centralized way, it will enhance the Central Bank's control of money.2. Negative interest rate transmission: for paper money, some countries'central banks carry negative interest rates. Generally, negative interest rates are only transmitted to institutions, not to individuals, because if individuals carry negative interest rates, that would create a massive run on the bank and ...


10. 关于IRC上线GCOXIN的公告

GCOXIN即将上线IRC(INTERESTING READING CHAIN),详情如下:上线交易对:IRC/USDT开放交易时间:2020年3月5日18:00(UTC+8)充值开放时间:2020年3月5日18:00(UTC+8)提币开放时间:2020年3月6日18:00(UTC+8)项目详情:IRC(INTERESTING READING CHAIN)致力于优化教育结构、对教育资源进行真实数据上链,记录教育中关系拥有...


11. 区块链大型巡回播放第171期“博弈产生考量”

...perate in the first place, and we still seek to cooperate. Because their cooperation is in the best interest of all, but they're willing to sell out their partners without talking to each other. In exchange for their own interests, so that the best interests of the seller, while doing so would violate the interests of all, but human nature is selfish. We also can't get all the participants to reve...


12. ENai intelligent brick

...can program generally according to its own preferences.Q: How to define ENai?A: Firstly, ENai is an interest arbitrage program of the third party: It adopts block chain to move bricks and conduct hematopoiesis, by using digital currency price difference theory, it proceeds exchange interest margin by the way of hedging (without time difference) synchronization and moving bricks (with time differen...


13. 加密服务平台NetCents通过推出NFT部门扩大了范围

...其进入不可替代令牌(NFT)领域的进展。 该公司将继续与合作伙伴The Human Interest Group合作,开发其推出的NFT。人类兴趣小组与世界一流的运动员以及NFL,NHL和MLB的各个团队合作,带来了数十年的体育业务经验。 NetCents正在努力开发大型消费产品机会,与品牌运动员或产品合作开发令牌,以帮助验证与...


14. 使用这些比较工具,对你的加密货币产生更多的兴趣

...品,预示着它将进入不断增长的defi市场。上市网站将该工具称为Coinmarketcap Interest,该工具具有财务数据,例如跨各种平台的借贷加密货币的最佳年化利率。 但是,Coinmarketcap在这一领域没有先发优势,因为已经有许多高级工具可以分析贷款市场。 贷款扫描 Loanscan也许是该行业的黄金标准,5月份重新设...


15. 德央行行长:货币政策的变化与延续

...come to learn the monetary policy lessons – not just from the past years of low inflation and low interest rates, but also from the financial crisis.2.1 CommunicationI think it is particularly important for us to make our policy understandable and to engage with people. ECB President Christine Lagarde says we should not just be preaching the gospel that we think we master, but that we should be ...
