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2020-09-17 币扑 来源:火星财经
币扑邀请到了FBG,创世资本,JC Capital等多家机构投资的衍生品交易CCFOX交易所CEO Joseph King进行深度对话,解读DeFi战役后半场。

仅仅半年间,DeFi质押资产即蓬勃发展至20倍,触及100亿美元。在大家在见证“区块链速度”之时,DeFi产品的问题也越发凸显,诸如DeFi产品坑越来越多,没人帮你排雷;去中心化交易所门槛太高,手续费太高,小白用户很难操作;CeFi产品一一上线,唇枪舌战之下到底哪家才有真实力和新亮点。带着这些问题看,币扑邀请到了FBG,创世资本,JC Capital等多家机构投资的衍生品交易CCFOX交易所CEO Joseph King进行深度对话,解读DeFi战役后半场,CeFi还有哪些机会,以及正式揭秘一次质押,三份收益的高收益理财产品到底怎么玩?以下是本次采访内容整理。

嘉宾简介:Joseph King,CCFOX CEO,资深传统金融从业者。

主持人: 从您的角度来看,您能否向我们的社区成员介绍CCFOX,它是如何工作的,CCFOX的意愿和使命是什么?From your perspective, could you introduce the CCFOX to our community members, how it works, what are the will and mission of CCFOX?

Joseph King:CCFOX was established late last year to bring cryptocurrency trading services to anyone and everyone. The team at CCFOX has passion, vision, skill, and enough knowledge to know how to offer our exchange and trading platform to traders successfully. We are confident that we will grow to take significant market share.

CCFOX成立于去年年底,旨在为所有人提供数字资产交易服务。 CCFOX的团队具有热情,远见,技巧和足够的知识,以了解如何成功地向交易者提供我们的交易和交易平台。我们有信心我们将成长为占据重要的市场份额的平台。

Our technology is fully redundant and scalable. Our matching engines, order messaging systems, and risk management systems are all world-class. They will not fall over during extreme volatility periods; your orders will not be rejected; you will be able to operate our platform normally in almost all conditions.我们的技术是完全冗余且可扩展的。我们的匹配引擎,订单消息传递系统和风险管理系统都是世界一流的。它们不会在极端波动时期跌落;您的订单将不会被拒绝;您几乎可以在所有条件下正常运行我们的平台。

The core team has been well known to each other for many years, and we have much experience running various types of businesses in the financial markets. We bring experience in trading, exchange establishment, management and development, HFT, designated market making, discretionary market-making, blockchain, cryptocurrency, start-ups, VCs, asset management, provision of exchange services, provision of end-user trading platforms, incubation, and many other aspects across the digital economy。


Over the last few years, we have all watched the growth of trading in cryptocurrency, especially around the perpetual swaps and now DeFi, and have all participated in trading these instruments many times. We have all felt the pain of order rejections, forced cascading liquidations, and heard the constant rumors of manipulated markets. We really know how to trade, we have learned about losing money in the market, but we do not like to be cheated, and sometimes in the past, we just felt cheated.


So, we decided to combine all our experiences and set up our exchange to challenge the status quo by bringing a more reliable exchange, with better infrastructure to the market. We know we can provide something much better, something that will meet the actual needs of traders and not just a printing press for the owners. So, this is why CCFOX was established.We bring together the world of cryptocurrency and the world of traditional financial markets. We are out there in the market like a beacon of hope to all traders that cannot find their way, and we hope that traders find us before they experience the darker side of the cryptocurrency revolution.



主持人: CCFOX现在提供的产品主要以合约交易为主,产品的主要特色是什么?在这激烈的市场竞争中你们的竞争力以及品牌差异化是什么?Now the main business of CCFOX is offering the contract trading, what is the feature of it, how would you apply your competitiveness in the market and the difference between yours and other brands.

Joseph King:The primary business focus of CCFOX is the derivatives market. There are five distinct advantages of our products。目前,我们的产品主要聚焦于衍生品领域。 我们的产品优势主要体现在5个维度。1: Professional level technology stack2: Powerful matching engine3: Multi-dimensional security protection4: Easy to use, user-friendly trading mechanism5: High-quality liquidity provision services.1.专业的技术架构、2.强大的撮合引擎、3.多维的安全防护、4.友好的交易机制、5.顶级流动性与服务。

We accessed the problems facing participants in the market, and we saw that, due to the high volatility, many traders had suffered from cascading liquidation events when trading, we knew this was a critical point that would harm our customers. So, we decided to solve this problem, we use the lowest margin rate across the whole industry, in turn, that reduces the chance of liquidation. Then we use a primary 3rd party spot index to improve the fairness and price-quality, which leads to a better trading environment. Additionally, we innovated with technology so that in an extreme liquidation event, our mechanism returns up to 50% of the margin. This is an immensely popular feature with our traders.


主持人:你们有现货以及其他衍生品的产品计划吗?在添加一些新产品或者上线新币种的时候你们主要的判断的标准是什么?Do you have any plan for spot trading and other derivatives? What is the standard to make the decision when launching a new product or new cryptocurrency?

Joseph King:We are continuously researching and developing more products to meet the demands of market participants. This continuous research and development process ensures we can provide a better customer experience. For example, there is a high demand for DeFi derivatives, Yield Curve mining and products related to the hashpower market. We are developing products for all the “digital asset-related” field for the best trading experience for all our customers.


We are in the process of deploying spot trading products that are related to various DeFi products. Also, we will be deploying products associated with Dot and other popular projects and chains; the official announcement will be soon. The new products consider both safety and popularity of products and tokens. Within the trend of Defi, currently, many exchanges are releasing their projects and tokens without passing the code security audit. Although following the trend is necessary, the safety of a project is the>主持人:我看到你们也即将上线 DeFi 流动性挖矿,能否透露下这个 DeFi 流动性挖矿的一些情况?We notice that CCFOX is going to publish a new DeFi liquidity mining project, could you show us some detail or information about your DeFi project.

Joseph King:We have several DeFi projects in the pipeline; these are all aimed at simplifying DeFi participation for all our current customers and new customers. Our first product, CCFOX Finance (CFI), is innovative and unique. Currently, there are no similar products in the market, and we will be launching it shortly. The CFI is a professional Yield Farming pool based>在我们的计划中已经有数个Defi项目在酝酿了,这些defi项目都是着眼于简化现有及潜在新用户参与defi的过程和难度。我们的初始项目CFI是行业内创新的且独一无二的。现在,市场上仍未有任何与我们的CFI相似的产品,并且我们决定将会在短期内正式发布。CFI是一个专业的流动性矿池,基于对冲基金和共同基金原则,任何人只需要通过我们的平台和app,用最少的交互流程去参与CFI项目。

The total supply of first CFI yield farming financial product at 5 million USDT, the minimum quota for a single customer is 100 USDT, the maximum is 50,000 USDT. CFI aims to solve many problems associated with DeFi Yield Mining, such as the need to understand complex financial instruments, the high cost of participation through Gas and contract fees, while gaining maximum returns>第一次CFI流动性挖矿理财产品的总量是五百万USDT,单个用户最小的份额是100USDT,参与上限是5万USDT。CFI是为了解决许多在参与Defi流动性挖矿中产生的问题而提出的解决方案,这些问题包括传统的Defi项目需要理解复杂的金融机制,为了获得最大回报产生的高昂的手续费所带来的高成本。我们的目标是将所获的的融资分布到最可靠和安全的产品,为用户获取丰富的回报。我们的CFI产品是方便用户参与,同时为用户提供前所未有的体验。

主持人:现在很多交易所也开启DeFi挖矿,你们的DeFi产品和其他交易所相比有什么竞争性优势?Now many exchanges are open their DeFi mining business, what is your advantage comparing with other exchange?

Joseph King:CCFOX Finance has been established after a comprehensive investigation of the DeFi market and has various advantages compared with other DeFi products. By establishing an innovative DeFi product, we create a unique experience for our customers.


Many exchanges have started to participate in the DeFi mining business, some by listing DeFi spot contracts and others have launched DeFi yield mining platforms. Most of these DeFi yield mining platforms are usually just forks; there is no innovation there,>许多交易所开始参与defi挖矿,有些上线了defi现货合约,其他的则是发布了defi流动性挖矿平台, 这些里面大多数都只是对原来项目的分叉,并没有针对原有基础上作出任何转变与变革,只是单纯的复制粘贴/山寨现有的热门产品。

At CCFOX, we innovate. We launch our first DeFi product, CFI, and it is a complete solution, easy to join in and easy to exit, combining “stake to mining” and “trade to mining” features, meaning that customers can both Stake and trade to receive returns.


For the Stake to mining of CFI, customers can purchase some quota and receive the CFI yield farming rewards and platform token rewards. Customers who stake CFI can exchange CCFOX USDT margin by a proportion of 1:1 rate to trade derivatives, thus participating in the ‘trade to mining’ and would then be applicable to gain rewards such as FOX token airdropsCFI质押挖矿体现于用户可以购买CFI份额从而获取流动性挖矿收益和平台币奖励。参与质押CFI的用户可以兑换等值ccfoxUSDT保证金,即1比1兑换,去进行衍生品合约交易,这便是“交易挖矿“,这些参与交易的用户会获得平台币空投的奖励。

So, staking can return up to 3 benefits for each customer, Due to the limitation of the quantity of CFI, people who do not purchase CFI would still be able to ‘Trade to Mining FOX tokens. For further details, please visit our website and check the announcement.


主持人:作为普通用户,大家现在可以如何进行参与呢?As an individual, how could we participate in the CCFOX DeFi mining project?

Joseph King:It is a simple process; all anyone must do is download the CCFOX app or visit the website, purchase CFI from the spot trading contracts then start staking. Once they are staking CFI, they will automatically begin to receive profits from yield farming by holding CFI, as well as automatically apply for other benefits such as airdrops of the FOX platform token.

这非常简单,任何人只需要下载CCFOX app去现货交易页面购买CFI份额,然后质押CFI。质押CFI后,相对应的流动性挖矿收益即会自动发放到用户的账户,同时其他的收益如平台币FOX也会通过例如空投的形式发放到用户的账户中。

After staking the CFI, profits get distributed in USDT margin, which can be used in derivatives trading if the customer wishes. Those customers that also trade derivatives>在质押CFI后,对应份额的USDT保证金也会发放到账户,这些保证金根据用户的意愿可以用于衍生品合约交易。那些质押了CFI且在CCFOX进行了衍生品合约交易的用户会获得额外的平台币FOX的空投奖励。

The lock-up period for CFI is 30 days, though if any of customer wants to exit the CFI position, they can trade their CFI in the real-time CCFOX spot trading contract and realize their capital and profits. Therefore, CFI is so customer friendly; we make it as easy as possible for the customer to participate or exit whenever they want.


If anything is unclear, then anyone can contact our WeChat customer services team and join our Defi farming group to receive the latest news of our project. If there are any suggestions and advice, we are happy to hear it which is essential for us to and would help us to improve.


主持人:CCFOX 得到了很多优秀资本机构的青睐,并建立了优秀的合作网络,这是怎么实现的?你们是如何互相吸引到对方的?

CCFOX has invested by many famous investing capitals and establish an excellent cooperation network, how would you have such great achievements, and how do you attract each other to cooperate with?

Joseph King:Through our good reputation and our long-established relationships with key entities and people throughout the traditional financial industry and cryptocurrency/blockchain industry, our investment partners include leading industry names such as FBG Capital, Genesis Capital, JC Capital, Honglian Capital and Conifers Capital.

通过我们良好的名声,长期建立的友好合作伙伴及关系,我们自身的优点特点和来自于传统金融领域及区块链领域的专业人士及团队, 我们的投资伙伴选择相信并助力我们的梦想,这些可靠的伙伴包括FBG资本,创世资本,JC资本,红链资本,智臻资本等。

CCFOX was established in 2019, withing 8 months, the total traded volume of CCFOX put us into the top 10 list of cryptocurrency exchanges. Every day we serve a significant number of customers across the globe. Additionally, we also provide white label and cloud exchange services to more than 18 global exchanges, who all rely>CCFOX创立于2019年,在最初的8个月里,我们的总交易量就达到了前10的位置,我们每天都有可观数量的来自全球各地的交易者在CCFOX进行交易。此外,我们也为十几家全球化交易所提供白名单和合约云系统,他们的选择是基于我们高性能的基础系统构造,同时我们也为他们提供了一个可靠的系统去管理他们的客户并产生可观的交易量。

Most importantly, CCFOX is built>最重要的是,CCFOX是在由世界顶级证券交易平台以及量化对冲等机构人士打造的专业高效的交易平台,业内外都有较好的名声。我们相信我们的客户,哦不,任何客户都是我们至高无上的,是我们行动的出发点和落脚点,我们一直会提升服务质量并保持用户群体在一个较高的满意度。

主持人:请问CCFOX是否有平台币的计划?如果有能不能透露一些细节?Does CCFOX have any plan for platform token? If so, what is the difference in the design structure between the CCFOX Platform token and other mainstream platform tokens? If it does not, why?

Joseph King:In line with our DeFi product launch, CCFOX is now launching our platform token, FOX, with the total supply of>在发布CCFOXdefi产品的同时,我们也发布了我们的平台币FOX,总量为10亿,初始流通价为0.1usdt, 初始总市值为1亿USDT。FOX是我们CCFOX唯一的平台币,也是CCFOX生态中重要的一部分。

We will reward 10 million FOX tokens to the customers who participate in the CFI. We will also reward tokens to any customer that participates>我们会奖励总计1000万fox给参与CFI的用户。同时也会奖励FOX给任何参与我们现货交易,全新的算力产品,期权交易,DEX以及未来在CCFOX计划中待发布的新产品的用户。用户持有Fox会获得手续费优惠、产品优先认购权和未来CCFOX发展中的各项权益。同时,我们的合约云合作伙伴也会获得FOX奖励。

CCFOX will use 30% of income monthly to buyback the FOX tokens and burn them. The launch period of FOX token is in Q42020. Please check our website or social media for further announcements.CCFOX将拿出30%收入按月回购并销毁FOX,使FOX保持通缩状态。FOX将在今年第四季度发行,用户可以实时关注我们的公告和社交媒体,了解更多信息。





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